Welcome to Chicago O'Hare! It is currently 9:22am (Chicago time) and I've already been awake for six hours and two minutes. After navigating the wilds of O'Hare, I've come to the conclusion that it is more confusing than the Paris airport, and the signs aren't even in French! After about an hour, I finally found the international terminal, but I'm still waiting for my airline counter to open for the day. There's a man in a green polo pursing around behind the desk, so it's looking promising.

Update: the counter doesn't open until 3:45pm. That means I have minimum SIX HOURS to hang by the check-in. In which case I have called my dear co-FYM Kyle (hails from Chi-Town) and received directions to the metro. Might as well make it worth the wait, right?
And so begins the life of a traveler.
PS_We in Pittsburgh love our sports teams. Some might even call it an obsession. But never have I seen a parking garage elevator turned into a shrine like this one: