the man himself, Arthur Guinness |
What’s the most important holiday of the year in Ireland? Arthur’s Day! Okay not really, but it sure felt like it! Arthur’s Day commemorates the birthday of Arthur Guinness, the original brewer of (you guessed it) Guinness beer. Every September 22nd, pubs, bars, and clubs all over Ireland throw huge parties and concerts to celebrate the day, with more advertising than I’ve ever seen for a holiday!
I first heard about Arthur’s Day the day I arrived in Dublin. After seeing bits of the city, our jet-lagged group collapsed in the lounge of our hotel where Arlene (one of the IFSA staff) was waiting for stragglers to arrive. She told us a number of places to go in Galway and Limerick, things to see, cities around Ireland we should visit, why Irish people complain about the weather in every conversation, etc. She was ASTOUNDED that none of us had ever heard of Arthur’s Day, and went on and on about how it’s the best holiday ever and Limerick was throwing a HUGE concert with amazing acts and it was going to be absolutely great!
Arthur’s Day’s most important tradition is a toast at 17:59 (or 5:59pm, if you’re not used to military time) in honor of the first batch of Guinness being brewed in the year 1759, so we made sure we were downtown by about 5:30pm. We walked in the door of Dolan’s and were greeted by Arthur Guinness himself! He looked pretty good for being 252 years old, and once the bartenders told us we’d get a free pint of Guinness for “making yourselves known to Arthur,” we immediately took the photo op! Who can turn down free Guinness, especially on Arthur’s Day?
Looks like they dug Arthur up from the grave with that white makeup!! You did come home with the official Irish pint glass, I assume? Your grandma and great grandma would want you to.......
no pint glass yet, they made me drink my whole glass at the entrance door and give them the cup - no glass in the concert area :( I'm sure I'll end up with one from somewhere, don't worry!
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